New Man = New Life

In Blog, New Creation, New Man, Uncategorized by Curry Blake

I do not believe any person has yet delved into the truths of the Bible concerning the “New Man” to the depths that God would desire. The apostle Paul preached the truths of the New Man (also known as the New Creation) for his entire ministry. He said that he was preaching the mystery that had been hid from the foundation of the world.

He also said that the mystery had been hid because the princes of this world would not have crucified Jesus if they had known what that crucifixion would bring about.

The more I study and meditate upon the scriptures concerning what Jesus accomplished for us and in us, the more I am determined to live out all that He died to provide. The salvation provided by Jesus was much more than just “missing hell”.

We are the only beings on earth that can say that our God and Creator actually dwell within us. The fact that God would even desire to commune with us is almost beyond comprehension. As a matter of fact, the only way we can comprehend it is to have it revealed to us by our Heavenly Father.

The carnally minded person can only conceive of God saving us so that we can “go to heaven when we die”. They cannot understand the full ramification of God dwelling in us and walking in us and talking in us. (2 Co. 6:16-18)

Almost every church constantly reminds everyone that they are here to worship God. Many even say that they are here “to know him and to make Him known” yet they are also the first to say that we cannot fully know God. They always present Him as being above our understanding. Again, I would say that the only way you will ever “understand” God is through revelation from God that reveals Himself to you.

The good thing is that He wants to give you that revelation and if you ever truly get it, you will get it through seeing Jesus in the scriptures revealing God to us. Because there is such a wide range of people’s experiences concerning God, I have started to see it as more of a spectrum. Let me explain.

Everyone knows that if you read any certain passage of scripture, you will receive something from it. If you go back to that same passage a year later, you will tend to see something slightly different. What I mean by that is this, your level of experience and spiritual maturity will allow you to see the scriptures with greater clarity or insight. That doesn’t mean that every time you read the Bible, it says something different. It just means that every time you read it, you get more from it. That is what I mean by “the spectrum of Biblical experience”.

There are some things that some people cannot see in the Scriptures. Even though, for others, it is as plain as it can be. The difference is not the Scriptures but rather the level of spiritual development of the person reading it.

As I study the epistles of Paul, especially those to the Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, I see depths of the workings of God in individual believers that have rarely, if ever experienced. I began to see that God’s purpose in Christ was to actually create a new race of beings on this earth (2 Co. 5:17-18). I see that Christ actually died to provide a way for us to receive His Spirit and thereby become the actual habitation of God Himself.

God’s whole plan was to get His Spirit in us so that we could become a  new race of people. “A species of being that never existed before” is how one translation puts it.

Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God. He said (and He told His followers to say) “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Jesus came offering, explaining and demonstrating the kingdom of God. The principles He taught were the laws of the Kingdom. They were how the Kingdom operated. His message was how to live and function in the Kingdom of God. For some reason, the church has put everything off into the future. While there is and will be a future fulfillment of the Kingdom, we should understand that we can and should function in the Kingdom now! Divine Healing is not a function of the earth. It is a function of the Kingdom. When we minister healing as we should, it is actually a function of God’s Kingdom warring against the “kingdom” of darkness.

When a person is sick, they need a demonstration of life in the Kingdom. Life in the kingdom is life in the Spirit. Jesus wasn’t preaching a kingdom that could not be attained. He was telling the people how to live the Kingdom life here and now. His life was a life lived in the kingdom. He lived in this world but was not “of it”. He was not limited by the natural laws of this earthly realm. He lived by faith, just as we are to live by faith.

He spoke to trees, He spoke to wind and waves. He commanded fish to provide His tax money. He spoke to demons and they obeyed. He spoke to sickness and disease and they left the people. His life was a demonstration of how we are to live and function in the Kingdom of God. His disciples asked Him to increase their faith and He answered, “If you have faith as a seed, you will speak. (Matt. 21:21)

When we were born again, we received a new kind of life. This life was a life in the Spirit and it was a life of the Spirit. When we learn that life in the Kingdom is a life without sickness or disease, a life without lack. A life of power and ability provided by the Spirit which dwells within us, we will start to see this “new species” start to manifest. We will see a new race of beings begin to manifest called, “sons of God”.

They will be sons that will be manifested to enforce the victory Jesus died to provide.

They will be sons that will walk as Jesus walked in every area of life.

They will no longer get sick and get healed, only to get sick again. They will learn and know and walk in true divine life which includes divine health.

They will know that God is their Father and their Provider and they will have what they need when they need it and the world will look at them in wonder, not understanding how this group of people can seem to have nothing and yet have everything they need and want.

When this new breed of Christian arises they will begin to bring peace to the physical earth that has been bound for so long under the bonds of corruption that literally causes the earth to groan and cry out for relief.

This new breed of Christian will no longer speak defeat, they will always speak God’s Word of Victory! They will glorify God as they speak and act on His behalf. They will represent Him in the same way His Son Jesus represented him.

They will begin to believe all that the Scriptures declare to be true.

They will know that they ARE more than conquerors. They will constantly give thanks to God Who ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus.

They will know that as He IS, SO ARE THEY IN THIS WORLD!

They will lay hands on the sick and the sick SHALL recover.

These things are being seen even now in those that are believing the Scriptures and walking in the truth of them.

We are seeing this come to pass even now. And it is only going to get stronger and stronger.