Good evening!

My name is Vladimir Mikhaylov. Last week, I participated in the DHT training. I’ve been trying to get involved in Life Teams as well as Dominion Bible Institute
Also, I would like to share a couple of testimonies.

Right after the DHT seminar, I went on a business trip. While I was away from home, my wife got two of suspicious moles on her right ear removed (without prior talking to me). After the numbing substance ceased to work, her ear started hurting, so she would not be able to fall asleep. I prayed with her by phone, I told the pain to go away in Jesus’ name, and my wife testified that the pain went away immediately. When she woke up the next morning, she realized that she was sleeping on her right ear, but it did not cause the pain to come back. She’s been pain-free ever since and is recovering.

At about the same time, I got a text message from a member of my Bible study group regarding his wife’s condition. She had some viral infection, and her doctor suspected she might have a blood infection as well. The guy (his name is Troy) asked me to pray for his wife, so that his wife would be fine. I texted him back that Jami will be fine and that none of the doctor’s predictions (based on the low count of white cells in her blood) will turn out to be true. I prayed for Jami at a distance as though she was standing next to me by commanding her body to be healed head to toe and her blood to go back to normal as the Lord had designed, in the name of Jesus. The next day, Troy confirmed that another blood test did not reveal any abnormalities. But to make sure, the doctor prescribed another blood test. They eventually said that it was just a viral infection.

Also, while I’m still away from home, my wife was vacuuming the floor and awkwardly pulled the vacuum cleaner and twisted her wrist. That evening, I told her wrist to go back to normal and the pain to go away in Jesus name. After that, the wrist got healed and the pain went away.

All the three healings took place when I was 1,300 miles away from my wife and Jami. God is above and beyond all the distances. He is good all the time!

Brother Curry,
Thank you for taking the time away from your busy schedule to teach me the biblical principles of healing and encouraging me to act in the name of God.
