Dear Curry and JGLM Staff:
I asked Kate if I could submit her testimony to you for my DHT training. Attached is her testimony (pictures in Testimony File) of her foot BEFORE AND AFTER. She was told after accident in November 2016 it would bake a year to recover and healing. She is Mom of 4 children and currently running around our church, Cornerstone Chapel Ohio, working with the Children’s dept….with TODDLERS!!!
She and her husband are devoted Followers of Jesus and so filled with His love and loving-kindness which they minister to all they come in contact with.
I want to praise the Lord for leading me to JGLM and Brother Curry Blake who I just discovered 2 years ago on YouTube which I had never used be trying to find something on John G Lake!!!!
I have not been the same since………………Oh! I wish I had known what Brother Curry has ministered to me in the Divine Healing Tech and New Man teachings.
Thank you, Thank you!!!!! I am so blessed to know Jesus Christ is TRULY IN ME AND DOING HIS work in, through, and for me.
Love and blessings,
Yvonne B., Partner
A Testimony of the Healing Prayers of Yvonne B.
On November 9, 2016 I fell down one step.
In my left foot, I broke my cuboid bone, my fibula and my tendons pulled away from my ankle, taking pieces of bone with them. The recovery time for a broken cuboid bone is 1 year. I was in so much pain I couldn’t go to church until January 8th, 2017. I was still on crutches and in much pain. Luckily for me, I saw Yvonne that day! She bent to lay her hands on my leg and began to pray. Throughout that day my pain began to diminish! The next morning, I didn’t need my crutches and I haven’t used them since that Sunday. A lump on my foot also shrank as you can see from the following pictures:
Before Yvonne prayed you can see the lump on the right side.
After she prayed the lump on the right side shrank! I don’t think the tape from physical therapy was helping at all but Yvonne’s prayers did! My doctor was 99% sure I would need surgery to repair torn tendons. I told Yvonne and she prayed my tendons would heal and I would not need surgery. I am so happy to report that my doctor said, “Well, I can’t lie, there is nothing bad in your MRI. You don’t need surgery!” The doctor said my tendons are surrounded with fluid, indicating they were damaged. He can’t believe they aren’t torn. I am so grateful Yvonne prayed for me and so thankful for our healing savior Jesus.