Praise Report: …they shall lay hands on the sick, and the sick shall recover. (Mark 16)
Lady suffered from stroke and paralysis from the waist down.
I have not heard about her condition after our mission trip (from May 2015), but I am always believing that God is a promise keeper.
I have heard that she was healed in few months from the local pastor, another sent me a picture of her standing, proof(identity protected).
This is a testimony and victory of our Lord God Jehovah Rapha!
Truly Jesus has already paid for our healing 2000 years ago and by His stripes we are already healed!
Recalling, it’s been a long time. This is where it all started in May 2015 a simple journey to go for a mission to share the gospel of Salvation and to bring relief goods to the people of Calsapa and San Teodoro (JIL) Mindoro. Where a relief good missions turns out to be a healing crusade.
It is all by Grace and the Lord’s compassion to his people and the working of his Holy Spirit. I am not in anyway ready to preach or in anyway have background to minister, or I don’t full understand the word of God or even a perfect dad for my family (ask my wife).
But I have decided to believe every word in the Bible, and being obedient and doer of his word.
One thing that I’ve developed in my character was stubbornness, I just don’t quit, I don’t take No for an answer, I just don’t give up regardless of circumstances. If I see it in the bible and its for me, I believe it and I grab it.
I may have past failures but I have learned not to draw back and dwell in the past, I learned to rise up and fight more, just keep on moving forward, just grin my teeth, pray more, learn to enjoy the fight because the scriptures has not change that believer shall lay their hand to the sick and they shall recover. All for God’s Glory!
In Christ Alone,
DHT – Abu Dhabi UAE