How can I put this into a paragraph or two concerning my husband’s healing. It would be impossible. I simply want you to know that my quest for understanding healing ended when I found the DHT Online in December of 2012. By January of 2013 ( within 1 month of watching the DHT) I prayed for a lady with 4th stage ovarian cancer and within 6-8 weeks the doctor said that ALL of her cancer was GONE! They used a pet scan to determine this.
Within that same time period, what we thought was a disc out of line in my dear husband of 23 years turned out to be 4th stage lymphoma (bone cancer). I couldn’t do it alone and you sent a certified DHT to his death bed. He is 100% cancer free determined by a pet scan. He was diagnosed with bone cancer and healed from bone cancer the same year.
This last week a 25 year old girl came to visit me and told me that her 3rd stage leukemia is 100% gone. No medicines, just the power of God flowing out of me into her about 3 months ago.
All the while this is happening, my daughter’s bones are moving, real beauty is appearing on her face, intelligent behavior is seen in her, her eye ball shape is changing, her face has gotten longer…..she is being healed from downsyndrome.
I have not 1 ounce of doubt that you will hold in your hands one day her healed DNA report.
Thank you for not taking a break from teaching the truth about Jesus and the whipping post. Thank you for staying
the course. Because of you, I minister to families with children diagnosed with down syndrome and most are seeing
changes in their children at this time. I am in the US and these families are in Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Philipines…..and the list goes on and on.
Because of you, many of these families are walking in the power of God and setting others free while they minister
to their own children and watch their healings unfold.
The world will never be the same because of your obedience.
Because of you, my husband is disease free and I’m not concerned about being a widow.
Because of you, my children will see their parents live happily ever after.
Because of you, the purposes of God are prevailing in my world and I’m affecting others in the same way.
Party at my mansion when we get home- you’re invited! But until then, let us not grow weary in doing good.
Freedom Fighter