Hello ,

I would like to share this testimony with you:

Last night my husband was running a fever and experiencing severe back pain and was unable to sleep. I commanded the pain to leave his body and it left immediately. I ministered life to him and he started to feel better. As he began to walk back to the bedroom he suddenly collapsed, feel on the floor and blacked out turning white and sweaty.. I resisted the temptation to call the ambulance and again commanded the sickness to leave him. I commanded sharply and got loud. I then continued to minister life as I talked to him and called his name. Immediately he regained consciousness tho he was still weak and shaken. I continued to minister life to him, gave him some water. In about a half an hour his color had returned, he was looking and acting stronger and went to bed. We prayed together for a good nights sleep and declared him healed. He awoke this morning totally healed having slept a solid seven hours! Praise God for his love and kindness and healing power. And thank you Brother Curry for your clear and effective teaching and all of the JGLM staff for their support.

Blessings to you all.
(Names and location protected)