Hello Bro. Curry, I will make this quick…my sister-n-law, called me and asked if I could pray for her grandma who was in ICU with congestive heart failure and kidney failure, fluid was building in her lungs, making it difficult for her to even speak a word….I told her ok, I would hit the thing……she text me the next day, said she was doing better, and that she was going to go to the hospital to see her, and for me to continue to pray….(in the past, she has listened to the JGLM message, as I have given her CD’s, ministered to her, came to the Life Team meetings, and has read/listened to messages on JGLM website), when I text back, I told her, You lay hands on her, you don’t even have to say anything, and tell her body to be healed…I will continue to hit it here for her…she said, ok, I will…..that evening, she called back, and said her grandma was able to talk a whole sentence without stopping, and no need for dialysis for kidneys, and heart is working well….I then told her that she needed Jesus in her life, she needed to get born again, ..she agreed and accepted Jesus as her lord and savior….awesome……so I gave her some stuff to read, including a bible..she has been listening to the DHT’s off her Iphone…
God is ALWAYS good….