Good day
My daughter testimony:
On God’s agenda for us was to reengineer our lives toward Him by allowing Him to do what He does best. Your message on Heavenly Mediated and Praying without ceasing helped allot. I asked my daughter, what does she want her reality in this life to look like? She replied that her friends should not be sick. Few days after this statement, 2 friends were sick. We prayed with her and they recovered. On a sports event, her best friend collapsed on the field. Medics rushed to put oxygen on her and to take her to the hospital. My daughter interrupted them (as she felt led to do) and said that she need to pray first. The girl ended up in ICU and my daughter could only speak to hr after about three days. Her friend said that she could not remember anything except that the heard my daughter praying. As time went on, her conditioned improved and will soon be pack to a normal life. The last time we went by to see her, I asked her to visit for 15 minutes at her friend’s house and to pray, which she did. Later the evening the friend asked my daughter if it would be OK if my daughter teaches her to understand Jesus. This blessed her as her secret time in meditating on God brought about this blessing hat she did not anticipate.