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John G. Lake Ministries P.O. Box 742947 Dallas, TX 75374

Be. Know. Do.

We believe that God is looking for a few serious, committed, sold out people through whom He can show Himself strong…

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DHT Series

This Is Why!

Dominion Life Church

Ministry Update

Missions Update


Our Focus

Being A New Creation

Revealing to believers what has been accomplished by Jesus for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. What you now are (in Christ) not what you will become someday.

Renewing the Mind

Revealing not only the command to renew your mind to the Word but also Training believers how to renew your mind in every area of your life.
“Your Mind Is Renewed To The Degree That It Dictates Your Daily Actions!” ~ Curry Blake

Walking in the Supernatural

Healing, Prophecy, Power!
Training doers of the word and not hearers only. This is done through practical hands-on application and no fluff no nonsense training.

Kingdom Stewardship

Training believers how to operate in Kingdom principles concerning finances. Allowing you to step into God's provision. Living life by faith being good stewards of what has been given to us.

Find us.

1104 Summit Ave #102, Plano, TX 75074

Call us.

(469) 209-0946

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