Hi guys, I have two testimonies from this weekend from people I ministered to over the phone from the JGLM prayer requests:

2 Praise Reports this weekend: A man (location protected) ministered to through Skype is healed of Hepatitis B, and a 4 year old boy (location protected) healed of seizures that sent him to the ICU. Amazing weekend so far. Thank you Jesus!!

The boy’s symptoms disappeared completely, after praying for him with his grandmother, and the man is right now with his wife, awaiting their first child’s birth. He has suffered from severe fatigue as a result of the disease and noticed the night after prayer, that he had to stay up until 2 am, and awoke revived and refreshed. He is going in April for a blood test to confirm healing, but he knows it in his spirit that he is healed. Hallelujah!!

God bless you guys, more to come