03/27/18 Hello JGLM staff, I watched part 4 of “Walking In God’s Power” and was healed of in my knees so that now they won’t lock up and cause me …
Back pain, gone!
05/02/18 I called Thursday night my wife was in extreme pain in her back, a Deacon called and prayed with (my wife, name protected) and all pain in gone without …
Lymphoma diagnosis removed, praise God!
05/15/18 Praise God! Doctors have removed the diagnosis of Lymphoma.
Blind see, lame healed! Learning more and more about Divine Healing through DHT Training from Bro. Curry
4.9.2018 Dear Sir It is with great appreciation that I write you this email. I attended the DHT Training…(location protected) I prayed for a paralyzed (spinal injuries and on a …
Wife Healed of the Flu!
11/2018 Wow, thanks for the words of encouragement, and for your fast response to my email. I am currently reading your PDF on divine healing training and its spot on. …
9 year old little girl, throat healed!
04/2018 I was contacted a couple weeks ago concerning a little nine year old girl. Her aunt told me that she was in hospital with severe stomach pain. Doctors had …
Thank you for your prayers…
Called for prayer… update…thank you for prayers of the marriage. I scored 113 on the breathing test, after I was diagnosed with COPD. Thank you for your prayers! They were …
Mom Delivered from Alzheimer’s
First my apologies for not getting back sooner with sharing this testimonial, I’ve been sharing it with so many others and it’s changing lives and so many other miracles since …
Healed and made whole.
11/21/17 Glory be to God almighty I sent you mail/ in September asking prayer for N… who stayed in hospital for two months after giving birth. Bless the Lord she …
11 yr. Serious Chest Condition, healed!
My daughter, 11 yrs had a very serious chest condition due to phlegm. It was like asthma. I prayed and started her on medication but she still was suffering. On …