I attended DHT and God led me to minister healing the very day I flew back home. Here is the description of what happened. Courtney was involved so I hope you will share this with her. I praise the Lord for the work He is doing through Brother Curry and for Curry’s commitment to teaching us. Now I want to live that life!
Blessings, N. C.

In front of the airport waiting for my pick up after return from DHT in Plano, TX. I saw a woman (name omitted to protect privacy) sitting on bench wearing a chemo cap and started talking to her. When she revealed she was going to the Cancer Treatment Center I told her about DHT and showed her the “Healing is for Everyone” book and asked if I could pray. She was very willing so I ministered healing. I told her the book would renew her mind and give her hope and gave her the book. She was very touched, took the book and asked me to write my email address in the book so she could keep in touch with me. Then her husband came up to us and she told him about me and showed him the book. He knew it was JGLM, had been listening to Curry Blake on Internet and was very excited that God put me with them. I told this woman that the God of the Universe had his eye on her and wanted her healed. We had hugs, tears etc. when my ride arrived to pick me up.

Here are some very interesting things about this divine appointment:
1. The Book was a friend’s. And at the conference the enemy tried to snatch it away but then Courtney (JGLM Staff Member) gave another copy to my friend, who let me have it to read on the plane because I was preparing for the trip to my sister. I was reading it on the plane so it did not get soaked like my DHT manual when the water bottle leaked inside my carry-on.
2. My husband was going to wait at the cell phone lot for my arrival call. When I called he was still at home because he thought I was arriving an hour later. Since he was late I could keep the divine appt with this woman and her husband.
3. Because of the supernatural way this all happened, I have complete faith that this woman is totally healed. This was all a gift from God to get me stirred up and committed to JGLM and ministering healing. I will remember this every time I have an opportunity to pray and will know that even if it does not seem like a divine appt….IT IS!
4. After I commanded the cancer to go, spoke life etc, I told this woman that she was healed and would give her testimony and minister to others. I was just as sure of this, and it became a prophetic word over her.