Jan. 2018
Dear brother Curry

Man raised from the dead

A couple of month ago a sister and her fiance, joined one of our LifeTeams. She was taught and trained in the faith. Both of them were newly saved. She was looking for a new job. She also followed us on the streets and started successfully to pray for the sick. We agreed in prayer, that she shall get exactly the job God intended for her. Just a few days later she got a job as an assistant in a hospital for patients that need recovery from surgeries and for people that according to doctors diagnosis would die within a few weeks. She was delivering food to the patients and each time spoke healing over them. Sometimes she would just grab the Peoples hands and say : “Be healed” and – “WOW how much Jesus loves you”. Testimonies came in on how several of these patients were healed and to the surprise of the doctors could leave the hospital to get back home instead of dying.

Before Christmas holiday… While driving around with her cousins, they passed a man that was falling down and passing out. They pulled over and she found him taking his last breath, dying. She started to pray and speak Life plus trying to reanimate him. A doctor that drove by pulled over and also tried to reanimate him, but no pulse. The man had died. About 10 minutes later an ambulance drove by. They pulled over to check the situation. They tried to reanimate by defibrillator, but he still remained without pulse.

They tried it a few times without success. The man was already dead for over 15 minutes and they wanted to pronounce him dead. The sister said: Wait a minute, let me pray for him one more time! She again spoke Life. After about half a minute Life came back into him. His heart started beating again and the doctors took him to the hospital to keep him under surveillance. After 4 days he could leave back home, completely healthy. The doctors themselves have never seen anything like this and reported: This is supernatural and very unusual! The son of this man…He wasn’t a believer and was shocked by what has happened. Let’s believe God for all the family to get saved.

This shows once again: It does not matter how long someone is saved to pray for the sick or even to raise the dead! It’s about taking responsibility and being ready to act by faith – beyond of what we see in the physical realm! This sister knew: It’s impossible that nothing happens if she walks by faith and obedience disregarding of what people say! Thank you Jesus you are our KING and the HEALER!

(Fellow Servant of Jesus Christ)